Enabling the transition to the next position

The transition to the next independent position is the most challenging step in a postdoc's career. To facilitate this transition, VIP2 will implement the following initiatives:

Applying to an academic position

  • Provide the fellow with the opportunity to have a mock selection procedure in-house. The mentor(s) as well as other faculty members will give constructive and detailed feedback on the fellows' research proposal and the scientific talk prepared for a job interview.
  • Postdocs that are actively on the job market will have the opportunity to witness the search procedure for incoming VBC group leaders.

Transitioning to a non-academic position

  • A dedicated VIP2 Advisory Board (VAB) consisting of leaders in different sectors has been established. The VAB will convene once per year (during the VBC career symposium) to advise fellows.
  • VIP2 fellows will have specific training on career development.
  • VIP2 fellows can undertake a 2-month secondment in a non-academic sector.

VIP2 fellows will have the opportunity to work with a professional coach on strategies and solutions for their individual professional situation.


After finishing the second year in the programme, the VIP2 fellows can undertake a 2-month secondment in a different sector.  The VIP2 Advisory Board (VAB) will assist the fellows in identifying secondment opportunities suited for the fellows’ aspirations. The secondment can be at one of the biotech companies at the VBC or at other companies and organisations in Europe.