Vienna BioCenter (VBC) PhD Award
Each academic year the Vienna BioCenter (VBC) PhD Awards are given to postgraduate students in acknowledgement of their outstanding PhD theses. The award was inspired by Renée Schroeder (formerly of the Max Perutz Labs, University of Vienna) and is supported by the research institutes involved in postgraduate education at the Vienna Biocenter.
How to apply
We invite all PhD Students who completed their PhD in the academic year 2022/2023 (1 October - 30 September) to apply for the VBC PhD Award.
All students who carried out their PhD Research Project at the Vienna BioCenter are eligible to apply (GMI/IMBA/IMP/Max Perutz Labs).
To apply please submit the following documents:
- Application form (download template below):
- Personal information
- Thesis abstract
- Contribution to Research field
- List of publications
- Updated CV
- PDFs of original publications
Please combine all files in a single pdf named LASTNAME_VBCAward2023.pdf and send your complete application to Yan.Sun (at)